Monday Rx: LA Healthcare Awards Nov 4th, General Election Nov 8th, Event Updates and Medical Malpractice Protection October 31, 2022 2023 Membership, Access to Care Townhall, Burnout Symposium, CalAIM Townhall, California Medical Association, Cooperative of American Physicians, COSi, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles County Medical Association, Los Angeles Healthcare Awards, Medical Students, Medicare, Patient Care Foundation, Voter Guide 1198 🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃 Los Angeles Healthcare Awards This Friday!! The 10th annual Patient Care Foundation Los Angeles Healthcare Awards is this Friday! Tickets are still available for this worthwhile event to benefit medical students in need. This is your opportunity to support tomorrow’s physicians as PCF honors Dr. John Cheng, Golden State Warriors Coach Steve Kerr, Dr. Diana Londono, Pfizer, The Wall Las Memorias, Hope Street Margolis Family Center, Dr. Mark Goulston, Dr. Ali Gholamrezanezhad and Heal.LA. Join Us as We Recognize the 2022 Honorees! Date: Friday, November 4, 2022 Time: 6:30 PM PDT Location: Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills 300 Doheny Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90048 Purchase Your Ticket Physician Voter Registration Guide With the statewide and mid-term elections one week away, click to review CMA’s Physician Voter Guide. There are two CMA-supported physicians running for open seats. Kermit Jones, M.D., is a candidate for the new Congressional District 3, a district based in the Sierra foothills and Placer County. Dr. Jones is a family physician and Navy veteran. Jasmeet Bains, M.D., is a candidate for the new Assembly District 35, a district based in Kern County and the city of Bakersfield. Dr. Bains is a family physician who provides primary care in the Central Valley. Additionally, Joaquin Arambula, M.D. and Akilah Weber, M.D. is seeking re-election in Assembly Districts 31 and 79, respectively. Voter Safety The violent attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, stood out for its brutality and sinister intent. But for many Americans, the shock was tinged with a weary sense of inevitability. Far from a freak occurrence, the attack felt of a piece with the country's growing sense of political menace, especially from the far right. "Unfortunately, this is a continuation of at least a 2½-year-long-established pattern of violence against elected officials and local officials, including poll workers, that has been steadily ramping up," said Erica Chenoweth, a Harvard Kennedy School professor who studies political violence. So please be careful as you exercise your right to vote safely, without intimidation or the threat of violence. COSi Practice Bootcamp Update Through our partnership with COSi (Cycle of Success Institute), an innovative workshop took place this past weekend at the LACMA headquarters in downtown Los Angeles. Four practices participated in the intimate workshop and two participated in the bootcamp where attendees learned how to a build a profitable and high growth business and how to implement the key practices, tools, and techniques to grow their practice, with speaker Arie Shen, COSi Regional President. We enjoy seeing our members engaged! For more questions and information about either the workshop or bootcamp please email Vaughn Hartunian at Southern California Burnout Symposium Registration is Now Open! As I mentioned last week, LACMA partnered with ICD Health Networks to host the first-of-its-kind multi-day burnout symposium featuring nationally acclaimed speakers, including HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and California Surgeon General Dr. Diana Ramos. Register before December 2nd to take advantage of the $200 early bird discount. As a thank you for your continued membership, we're offering an additional $400 off for LACMA members with a discount code to be used at the time of registration. If that wasn’t enough, groups of three or more get an additional 15% off when registering together. Register Here LACMA Members can contact for an additional discount code to register for this historic and worthwhile event! It’s Time to Renew Your 2023 Membership Dues! Switch to CAP for Great Rates and So Much More Great rates for excellent medical malpractice protection are just a click away. Get an instant quote emailed to you AND learn about the unbeatable included services the Cooperative of American Physicians (CAP) offers its more than 12,500 physician members, like FREE practice management consulting and the option to purchase up to $10,000 in monthly disability benefits and up to $500,000 in life insurance guaranteed with no required health exam*. See for yourself what makes CAP different! Get a no-obligation quote now. Request an Emailed Quote To learn more about becoming a CAP member, please call 800-356-5672 or email Webinar - CMS Medicare Updates 2023 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Regional Chief Medical Officer Ashby Wolfe, M.D., will provide an update on CMS policy for the 2023 calendar year. Information presented will be relevant to practicing clinicians, including an overview of the updates to the 2023 Physician Fee Schedule. Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 Location: Virtual - Zoom Register Provider Town Hall: 2023 Health Care Transitions for Patients with Medicare and Medi-Cal California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) includes multiple initiatives that are impacting older adults and adults with disabilities who have both Medicare and Medi-Cal. It is crucial that you and your office staff understand these upcoming changes to accurately inform and support your patients. The objectives of this Town Hall are to: Review the January 2023 Enrollment Changes affecting dual eligible beneficiaries, including Medicare Medi-Cal Plans (Medi-Medi Plans), the Cal MediConnect Transition, and the Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) Look-Alike Transition. Discuss other Medi-Cal changes potentially affecting this population, such as the statewide expansion of Medi-Cal Managed Care, Older Adult Expansion, and Medi-Cal Asset Limit Increase. Facilitate a live question-and-answer session with the Department of Health Care Services. Date: Thursday, November 10, 2022 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Virtual - Zoom Register Date: Monday, November 14, 2022 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Virtual - Zoom Register Access to Care Town Hall: Single Payer, AB1400. What happens now? Objectives: Key Elements of AB 1400. Why AB1400 didn’t succeed. What are the challenges to future single payer bills. How can we make sure physicians (LACMA/CMA) are included early and in an integral way in the discussion and decisions moving forward? #MondayMessage "Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step." Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”