Monday Rx | Medi-Cal Rates, 152nd Association Elections, CMA Councils & Committees, and CDSMP Workshops May 15, 2023 Monday Rx 1144 Medi-Cal Rates & Governor’s Budget Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom released his revised 2023-24 state budget, proposing the reinstatement of the Managed Care Organization (MCO) Tax, which will result in $19.4 billion in revenue from April 1, 2023, through December 31, 2026, to help maintain and increase investment in the Medi-Cal program. Over the past several months, the California Medical Association (CMA) has advocated to reinstate and increase the MCO tax, which expired late last year, to improve Medi-Cal access to care by raising physician reimbursement rates. In a win for physicians and patients, the budget proposal released today includes an increase to some Medi-Cal provider rates for the first time in more than two decades. Effective January 1, 2024, the budget proposal would increase provider rates to at least 87.5% of Medicare for primary care, maternity care and non-specialty mental health services. Starting in the 2024-25 budget year, the provider rate increases would be expanded to some additional health care services and specialists. The rate increase announced last week is due in part to the proposed elimination of the 10% Medi-Cal provider cuts authorized as part of the health services trailer bill (AB 97) to the 2011-12 state budget, which CMA has long advocated to undo. CMA had filed a lawsuit in federal court (CMA et al. v. Douglas) to stop the cuts, but ultimately a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals court ruled in 2013 that the state could move forward with the rate cuts. Despite the disappointing 9th Circuit ruling, CMA never stopped advocating for a reversal of these cuts, which have had devastating effects on access to care for California’s poorest and most vulnerable patients. Gov. Newsom’s newly proposed rate increases will be an adjustment to base rates, and the California Department of Health Care Services has indicated it will direct managed care plans to pay providers at least these rates. The rate increases will be paid for by Gov. Newsom’s updated plan to tax-managed care organizations. In his May budget proposal, Gov. Newsom announced a commitment to invest additional funds in the Medi-Cal program to improve access and equity. The MCO tax, which allows the state to receive federal matching funds, had been in place for more than a decade and expired in December 2022. Q1 Practice Makeover Initiative Winners A well-deserved congratulations to this quarter’s winners of the Practice Makeover Initiative! Cheryl Powell, MD South Los Angeles Jamshid Shafai, MD Cudahy Andrew Yeh, DO Arcadia The deadline for next quarter’s application is on May 26, 2023. Be sure to apply today! Apply Now! LACMA’s 152nd Annual Association Elections LACMA provides members in good standing an opportunity to get more involved in the decision-making process and serve as representatives of their local communities throughout Los Angeles County. Members have the opportunity to run for and elect persons for the LACMA Board and local leadership positions. LACMA holds its elections every June. Active members of LACMA and CMA have the privilege of voting for their preferred candidates. Next week, members can expect to receive a voting ballot via email or mail, and you will be able to cast your vote for your preferred candidate. Also on the ballot will be proposed bylaws amendments. Please be sure to keep an eye out for your ballot and submit your vote. SEEKING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CMA Councils and Committees The California Medical Association (CMA) Board of Trustees, via its Committee on Nominations, is seeking recommendations for member physicians who are interested in and willing to serve on its standing Councils and Subcommittees for 2023-2024. All current appointments expire at the conclusion of the CMA House of Delegates in October 2023. New appointments will begin their terms at that time, with the new terms expiring at the conclusion of the 2024 House of Delegates. Councils and committees meet as needed, with up to four (4) meetings per year via teleconference and potentially one (1) in-person meeting. Deadline is 11:59pm on Monday, June 5, 2023. Learn More & Apply SPONSORED CONTENT No-Cost, Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) Workshops For Your Patients California’s Medicare Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO), Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG), would like to notify you of an opportunity to improve health outcomes for your patients. As a QIN-QIO, HSAG strives to improve healthcare quality for the betterment of Medicare beneficiaries, including enhancing disease self-management. Partners in Care Foundation (Partners) is a community-based organization that received funding from the Older Americans Act and Los Angeles County to provide no-cost, chronic disease self-management program (CDSMP) workshops for adults 60 years and older living in L.A. County. Partners’ programs, including California Healthier Living, have proven to significantly reduce costly hospital readmissions, emergency department visits, and nursing home placements, resulting in improved health outcomes at lower cost through better-coordinated care. The CDSMP workshops are offered in-person and online. To refer your patients, 60 years and older with a chronic disease, to these 6-week, evidence-based workshops, email and include, at a minimum, the patient’s name and telephone number. To hear more about this opportunity or schedule a meeting with HSAG or Partners, please contact us at or 602.575.7246. Download the Partners’ California Healthier Living flyer to learn more about CDSMP workshops. For more information about Partners, visit For more information about HSAG This material was prepared by Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG), a Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Views expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of CMS or HHS, and any reference to a specific product or entity herein does not constitute an endorsement of that product or entity by CMS or HHS. Publication No. QN-12SOW-XC-05092023-01 GETTING PAID: A Physician’s Guide to Taking Charge of Your Accounts Receivable This presentation outlines the make-up of, and challenges associated with, the effective management of accounts receivable (A/R) in the physician practice. Presented by one of CMA’s experienced practice management experts, the presentation will cover areas that significantly impact a practice’s A/R and suggestions on how to address those A/R challenges. Date: Thursday, May 18, 2023 Location: Virtual Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Register Register Here Monthly Office Hours Are you unsure of the benefits and resources available to you as a member? Would you like to be more involved with the organization? Do you have an interest in legislative advocacy? Is there a list of issues your practice is facing and you don’t know where to go for answers? On every last Wednesday of the month, the LACMA team will be available at noon via Zoom to answer any questions about your LACMA and CMA membership. We would also love to help with any pain points you may have. Or just stop by to say hello! Please know that we are here for you! A Night at the Museum Enjoy a self-guided tour of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art followed by a private reception (21+) at Ray's + Stark Bar patio for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres with fellow members. Date: Sunday, June 4, 2023 Location: LA County Museum of Art Time: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Register Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”