LACMA President and President-Elect Statement on Uvalde School Shooting May 25, 2022 advovacy, community, gun violence, health crisis, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, mass shootings, patients, public health, Public Health Council, Texas, Uvalde 1194 Los Angeles - LACMA President Jeffery Lee, MD and President-Elect Omer Deen, MD today released the following statement after 18 children and 2 adults were killed at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas: As President and President-Elect, we wanted to express our deepest sympathy to the families of the 18 school children and 2 adults killed in Uvalde, Texas today. Our hearts are torn as we see another tragic, preventable event of gun violence. We grieve with you. LACMA’s support also goes out to first responders and medical professionals who cared for victims. Just this year alone, there have been more than 200 mass shootings leaving more than 230 dead and more than 840 injured in the US as we, as a nation, continue to face continued gun violence which has become a paramount health crisis. There are health repercussions to those who are traumatized by witnessing violent acts both directly and even from a distance. Gun violence is an issue of public health. LACMA strongly supports policies intended to curb these tragic events based on data and evidence. While we understand that these are complex issues that are deeply rooted in culture, we will continue to advocate to protect our patients and make our communities safer. We’d like to hear from members on ways LACMA can do more, so please, reach out with your ideas and comments. Tomorrow LACMA’s Public Health Council is hosting a town hall on kids and mental health. If you would like to participate, click here. Jeffery Lee, MD President Omer Deen, MD President-Elect